
Marathon guide (rules)
1. Marathon registration fees
1.1. Registration for the Estonian Cup 2024 will open on 14 October 2023.
1.2. Registration for the EC stages (except for on-site registration) will start on 1.01.2024 and will only be available online at
1.3. Registration fees:

Registration fee for the series Registration fee for the series Registration fee for the series Registration fee for the series Stage Stage Stage
until 30.11 until 31.12 until 14.02 until 30.04 I round II  round on-site*
Marathon 125 € 145 € 147,42 165 € 30 € 35 € 45 €
Marathon – M16, M18, W18 95 € 105 € 106,75 € 115 € 20 € 25 € 35 €

*On-site payment is in cash only.

1.4. Discounted registration for the entire EC series is done as a one-time advance payment.
1.4.1. Registration with advance payment ends on 30.04.2024 at 24:00.
1.5. First round of registration ends on the previous week before the competition week, on Wednesday at 00.00.
1.6. The second round of registration ends on the week of the competition, on Wednesday at 24:00.
1.7. Registration for the stage closes 30 minutes before the start.
1.8. Re-registration (giving up your right to start to another rider) is possible until Wednesday, on the race week, via e-mail Re-registration fee is 10€.
1.9. On the morning of the race, only the same person can be re-registered for a different distance, there will be no on-site re-registration for another person.
1.10. On the morning of the day of the race, a fee of 10€ will be applied when changing registration from marathon distance to GP or half marathon distance (same person).
1.11. It is also possible to re-register from the marathon distance to the GP or half marathon via e-mail until Wednesday on the race week. See fees in point 1.10.
1.12. When re-registering from marathon distance to GP distance, it is necessary to take the GP race number from the secretariat.
1.13. When re-registering from marathon to half marathon, it is necessary to take a half marathon race number from the secretariat.
1.11. In case of withdrawal, the entry fee will not be refunded and will not be carried over to the following stages.
1.12. Registration fees received after the deadlines indicated in the guidelines will not be taken into account and the registrant will not be included on the start list. Late payment will not be refunded.
1.13. In case of cancellation or postponing of an EC stage for reasons beyond the control of the organisers, the participation fee will not be refunded.

2. Competitor numbers and starting groups
2.1. Season numbers will be handed out at the secretariat, on the day of the race from 9:00.
2.2. When registering for the whole season or for individual stages, the competitor will be issued with a start number for the first stage, which will be used for the whole season, i.e. for all stages. In the case of losing the number (the competitor confirms the loss of the number in person to the secretariat on the spot), the competitor will be issued with a new number, for which he will have to pay 5€.
2.3. In case of forgetting the number at home, the secretariat will issue a (replacement) number for one stage, for which a fee of 5€ will be charged. For all following stages, the competitor will be entered again with the original number in the start protocol.
2.4. The final starting list, which takes into account the competitors previous results, will be completed with the second round of registration. Late registrants will be placed into the last starting group.
2.5. The starting group will be based on the place of each participant’s best stage (GP and marathon) of the current year. Participants who do not have two results in the current year will also have their results from the previous year taken into account. The participant’s results from the previous year will be taken into account for the overall place in the series or for the best stage (best stage multiplied by a coefficient of 1.5), whichever is the lower. All registrants will be ranked and placed on the starting list according to the lowest result of each registrant calculated under the conditions described above.
2.6. The starting groups are divided as follows (in brackets is the position in the starting list): I (1-50), II (51-100), III (101-150), IV (151-200), V (201-300), VI (301-400), VII (401-600), VIII (601-800).
2.7. On-site registrations will be placed in the last starting group.
2.8. The Chief Commissaire has the right to make changes to the starting groups based on:
2.8.1. The need to ensure the safety and security of take-off;
2.9. The provisional starting list will be published online at no later than 12:00 the day before the race.

3. Results
3.1. In order to receive a result, the participant must wear a start number visible on the handlebars, with a timing chip attached inside, from the moment he enters the start corridor until he crosses the finish line.
3.2. At each stage, participants will receive points in the overall classification as follows:
1st place: 1500 points,
2nd place: 1495 points,
3rd place: 1492 points,
4th place: 1489 points,
5th place: 1487 points,
6th place: 1485 points;
7th place: 1484 points, each following place 1 point less.

3.5. The EC overall classification will be based on the sum of the best five (5) stages of the current year (the points of the most active rider and the mountain king will not be taken into account). The rider with the highest score is the winner of the series.
3.5.1. In case of a tie, the ranking will be based on the best stage points of the competitor in the current year’s EC series. In the event of a tie, the next best stage points, etc. will be decisive.
3.5.2. The best in each competition class will be determined on the basis of the overall classification.
3.6. The provisional results of each stage will be published online at the latest the day after the race at:
3.7. Reports of possible errors in the stage finish protocol will be accepted until the evening of the Wednesday following the race, by email to:

4. Age classes (based on years of birth)
4.1. Marathon (men): M16 (2008-2009), M18 (2006-2007), M (1965-2005), M60-64 (1964 and earlier)

4.2. Marathon (women): W18 (2006-2007), W (1980-2005), W45+ (1979 and earlier)

5. Awarding at EC stages
5.1. At each stage, the best riders in the following age classes will be rewarded as follows:

Age class Place
Marathon  general ranking 1 – 3 p.
Marathon general women ranking 1 – 3 p.
M16, M18, M60-64 1 – 3 p.
W18, W45+ 1 – 3 p.

6. Awarding at the EC series overall ranking
6.1. At the end of the series, the best of the following age groups will be awarded as follows:

Age class Place
Marathon general ranking 1 – 3 p.
Marathon general women ranking 1 – 3 p.
M16, M18, M60-64 1 – 3 p.
W18, W45+ 1 – 3 p.

6.2. Riders who have finished all the stages of EC 2024 (“iron rider”) will be awarded with a special memento of the series.