VELOPLUS 22. Raplamaa Bike marathon

Oluline info osavõtjatele


The competition center is located in the central, beautiful area of the Keava summer garden and the former Keava school stadium and park. Keava is a so-called garden town with approximately 300 inhabitants, and the summer garden and the stadium are bordered by residential buildings on three sides, so we ask that you treat private property with respect and care. There is enough space for parking in the designated parking areas and for movement on the territory of the competition campus.


You may not be able to get to know the race tracks in full on your own, as the tracks cross pastures limited by electric herding, where people walk of very different sizes and characters.
living animals and their behavior can be very unpredictable. Of course, the animals have been temporarily transferred to other places for the hiking trip and the day of the competition, and the herds have been moved.

The bike wash is located in the green area next to the stadium (see map of the town).

Valtu Spordimaja swimming pool  – 6.7 km from the competition center – address: Kehtna vald, Kaerepere, Saare 11. Shower ticket cost 3eur/in.
Sadolini Spordihoone  – 9.3 km from the competition center – address: Rapla city, Viljandi mnt. 69A. The cost of a shower and sauna ticket is 5eur/in.
Arturi Trahter
Meie Pubi
Rapla restoran Hollivuud
Aasia köök Waga Mama
Keava Coop




Race day11.05.2024




Lastesõidud200m up to 3km

Võistluspaika saabumine

The start and finish area of the competition is located in Rapla county, Kehtna municipality, Keava township, Keava summer garden. You can find the map link here.

We strongly recommend that you follow the parking regulations and park in the parking areas designated by the race organizer. The streets of Keava township are on the narrower side and open traffic must be ensured. The parking area for participants is located directly on the left hand side on the exit from Keava towards the Keava mountains (see town map).
The parking lot for the teams is located on the edge of the former Keava school stadium area on the grass (see map of the town) right next to the starting area.

Etappi toetavad